A lot of jewelry stores are taking advantage of the connection to their community and host events. These include trunk shows, community food drives, partnerships with other local businesses, and other similar activities. Most businesses usually think of promotions and contest as part of in-store marketing. This type of marketing may work but our clients find that, over time, becomes less effective and can cost a lot of money if not set up correctly and, especially, with no follow-up strategy in place. The best way to connect with your customers is by creating a memorable experience, and hosting or sponsoring in-store events in your community are usually the best way to leave a great impression on the attendees.
If events are already a part of your marketing strategy then you’re on the right track, the next step is to determine your event goals. Is it to raise money for a good case, promote an upcoming sale, build brand awareness, or grow your list of emails? There are many goals and it’s important to understand what your objectives are.
Once you’re clear on what your event is all about you’ll want to have a good plan for all phases of your event (before, during, and after). All of this work can seem overwhelming because, after all, you are putting together an event. It’s easy to overlook some marketing tasks you should be taking care that will pay off in the long run.
Here is a guide that will help make the most out of your next in-store event:
Before The In-Store Event
In-store awareness
You’ll want to display signs promoting your event throughout the store. Educate your staff on your event goals and details they’ll have to share with customers. It’s very important to get your staff excited so they can get the word out and make sure people are having a good time on the big day.
Share on social
Share as much as you can leading up to the event. People love a “behind the scenes” view of your brand, especially if it’s leading to something they can participate in. Give people an idea of how much fun your event will be. Don’t be afraid to get creative with this step.
Send an email campaign to your existing email list of customers, if you have one. If not, this is a good time to start building one. Make sure you explain all of the event details and have clear instructions on what to do next.
Easy RSVP process
You’ll want people to RSVP or sign-up to the event. This will make sure you have a good headcount and you can also send a friendly reminder a few days before the event. Using a service like Eventbrite or Meetup could help you collect reservations online.
During The In-Store Event
Be a memorable host
This is an opportunity to make a great impression in an environment where you’re not selling. Simply make sure people are experiencing a good time. When people are happy, and you can tie in your store brand to that emotion, then you’re signaling that all experiences with “(name of your store)” are fun and exciting. This is the opposite of a sales environment. Make sure your staff is also part of the fun. These events are all about making connections. They’ll be time to sell later.
Make sure your capturing plenty of footage of people having fun. The next time you host an event you’ll want to show previous events where people are smiling and having the time of their lives. Make sure you get permission to use photos and video footage before posting online.
Encourage user-generated content
Encourage people to take photos and post on their social media accounts. A good way to do this is by encouraging people to use a special hashtag to share the event. Many jewelers who have trunk shows may invite a photographer to take free photos of a guest wearing your jewelry. People love these and often share these special moments with friends and family.
Collect contact information
Let people know you want to continue sharing valuable experiences with them and you’ll need their email address to connect. This could be a subscription to your monthly newsletter, invitations to future events, sales, new releases, etc. You’ll want to continue the relationship and, when the time is right, sell them your products. Most stores forget to collect contact information and aren’t able to continue the conversation. You’ll want to make sure there’s a way to continue the conversations.
After The In-Store Event
Thank your guest
Be a great host and thank your guest for coming. Email is usually the way to do send the note. If you want to place a nice touch, and if you collected their physical address, you may want to send a handwritten note thanking them for coming. This stands out and can leave a great impression.
Social media follow-up
If you used platforms that allow people to “like” or comment, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, then you’ll want to make sure you follow-up on any questions or comments. This is great for showing people you appreciate their comments and other people who stumble onto social profile will see that you are active and care about your followers.
Email Campaigns
Depending on the number of emails you receive you may want to segment those that are interested and qualified to purchase. You created a lot of value with your event and while it may seem tempting to ask for a sale. It’s important to continue to give value or ask for something smaller. Start to get to know your new prospects, and get feedback on your event by sending a quick survey. This should help you gauge what level of interest each person has in your products and some valuable information to make your next event even better.
Final Thoughts On In-Store Events
A lot of stores are learning new digital ways of marketing, and find that their competitors are doing the same thing. By utilizing a traditional marketing method, such as hosting in-store events, you can find yourself capturing a lot of attention because no one else is hosting in-store events like you do. When you combine traditional and digital marketing to promote your event your likely to get a good turnout and have an easier time following-up with potential customers.
Are you considering running in-store events to grow your brand? We can show you the various methods we use to get people to your website and eyes on your message. Let us help you do marketing the right way by saving you time and money. Get in touch with GemFind today!