If you are in the jewelry business, you probably spend a significant portion of your marketing dollars on trying to attract new customers to your brand. One of the greatest ways you can maximize your efforts is through Instagram. This social network will allow you to build up a following without having to spend a ton of money on advertising. Because Instagram is visually based, it is perfect for selling products like jewelry, where customers need to really see what it is that they are buying. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your efforts on the platform.
Take Top-Notch Photos
On Instagram, the photo is the most important aspect of each post, so make sure that your posts show your jewelry in a modern and aesthetic way. Play around with the lighting and the angle from which you shoot each product. Switch up your photos between just the jewelry on a plain background and jewelry worn by models, even if you don’t show their faces. The idea is to keep things interesting so that your audience keeps coming back for more ideas about how to style the jewelry. You can take the photos yourself or hire a professional photographer for the best results.
Write Enticing Descriptions to Match
Images are great for showing off your products, but your customers are going to want details, such as whether a necklace chain is sterling silver or just silver-plated. What types of stones are used? What sizes are available? How long is the chain? Create descriptions for each photo, but try to keep the tone light and fun. Remember, you are selling jewelry, not drill bits. If you are not an experience product description writer, you may wish to hire someone to handle this task for you.
Harness the Power of Hashtags
Hashtags make it easier for viewers to categorize posts and find the images they are looking for. Choosing appropriate hashtags can make the difference between your audience finding your posts and those posts just floating around unseen. The most popular hashtags in the jewelry space change all the time, so research trending topics before you post. Following other jewelry brands can also give you insight into what your competitors are doing so that you don’t get left behind. Use a few appropriate hashtags for each post, but don’t go overboard.
Engage with Your Audience
One of the best things about social media platforms is that they allow you to really engage with your audience. Rather than just forcing ads in front of them, you are starting a conversation and getting them involved. When your followers leave a comment on one of your posts or asks you a question, be sure to respond as quickly as possible. The more responsive you are, the easier it will be to build relationships with your customers, because they recognize that your business is personable and engaging with your followers.
Have Patience
When it comes to building up a strong following on social media, you shouldn’t expect for it to happen overnight; you’ll need to be consistent about posting quality images on a regular basis to keep your followers interested and make good use of hashtags to attract more followers.
Growing your audience can be a bit tricky, so trust GemFind to handle your social media accounts for you. We are a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in providing service to the jewelry industry. Because of this, we know what it takes to help you bring more customers to your jewelry business through Instagram and other social platforms. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business.