Pay per click marketing, or PPC can be a great way to get more visibility of your jewelry products. Learning the best way to utilize PPC for your digital marketing strategy will benefit your business tremendously. In this blog post we explore the different options available to you to implement PPC and how to get more visibility for your jewelry products with pay per click. Fortunately, GemFind Digital Solutions is here to help you learn how to use PPC marketing to get your jewelry pieces seen (and purchased!).
Traditional PPC vs. Google Display Network
When most people think of PPC, they think of the Google Ads. Google Ads are the ads that appear at the top of the search results as pictured below for search “engagement rings”:
Google Ads are not the only way to use PPC. In fact, one of the more underutilized aspects of PPC marketing is Google’s own Display Network. Google’s PPC is essentially divided into two parts: the search network (with the text ads at the top of the results) and the display network.
The Google Display network is a massive network of sites all across the web that includes Google-branded properties (like Gmail and YouTube) as well as non-Google brands. Your ads would be shown not only on the websites, but also on mobiles and apps. Which will triple your potential reach.
Google’s display network is no small collection of sites. In fact, it reaches over 90% of global internet users, across 2 million sites. That’s a lot of potential eyes on your jewelry products, so let’s see how to target it the right way!
Re-Market to Users Who Have Already Seen Your Products
If you’re not re-marketing to your users, you’re leaving potentially thousands of dollars on the table. Re-marketing involves showing ads to users who have already visited your site. Even if they’re on a completely different site!
As an example, let’s say someone is searching for an anniversary gift. He comes across your site and sees a beautiful necklace. But he wants to keep looking and see what other options are out there. So the next day, checks his email, but then sees a display ad from your site showcasing that very necklace he looked at. And this reminds him about it. That’s re-marketing, in a nutshell.
Just recently, Google extended their popular Customer Match option to the Display Network. What this means is that you can create a “re-marketing list” that targets users based on their email addresses. If you’re already building an email list of interested users, this is the next logical step. Because you will reminding them about your products, improve their engagement with your brand, and ultimately get them to buy.
Manage Where Your Display Ads are Seen
You may be wondering if you get to pick and choose where your display ads are seen. After all, you don’t want your jewelry products coming up just anywhere. Fortunately, you can use a targeted type of display advertising for your jewelry, known as Managed Placements. Even if you specifically target certain interests or topics, Google tends to haphazardly guess which sites are relevant based on that information.
Managed targeting lets you choose down to the exact site, where your ads are showing. It costs less but has the potential to convert more. In fact, you may be surprised at how well display ads convert, particularly if you concentrate on a dozen or so sites that really mesh well with your users and their preferences.
Create Simple Ads, But Make Them in Every Format
Part of Display Network advertising is also creating text ads. Although statistically, images outperform text every time. However, not every website that your ad will appear on accepts image ads.
That’s why it’s a good idea to create simple ads in both image and text, and create them in every format. This is so that you’ll have an ad for every advertiser’s requirement. Plus, great visual ads do the heavy lifting for you in terms of encouraging clicks. Jewelry products are naturally attractive and encourage clicks so make sure your images are simple, easy to read and naturally as beautiful as your products!
Don’t Forget to Test!
One of the biggest mistakes that jewelry website owners make with their display advertising is failing to test it. Display advertising, like other types of marketing, is not something that you can simply “set and forget”. You wouldn’t hesitate to test out your search ads to see which ones perform the best for the least amount of money. So you’ll want to take that same approach with your display ads.
And if all of this sounds too complicated or time consuming, it may be worth working with a company like GemFind Digital Solutions. GemFind has specific experience working with jewelry stores to get them visibility for jewelry products. If you would like to learn more get in touch with us today!